5th Annual Commonwealth Computational Summit (CCS) April 12 and 13, 2022

5th Annual Commonwealth Computational Summit (CCS) April 12 and 13, 2022

5th Annual Commonwealth Computational Summit (CCS) VIRTUAL – April 12 & 13, 2022 from 10am until 3pm (EASTERN) ANNOUNCEMENT, CALL FOR SPEAKERS, AND REGISTRATION!   The University of Kentucky’s Center for Computational Sciences (CCS) and ITS-RCI is hosting the 5th Annual Commonwealth Computational Summit (CCS) Via Zoom (a virtual Summit) on Tuesday April 12 and Wednesday April 13, 2022. In order to minimize Zoom fatigue, the Summit will last only 4 hours per day (10am until 3pm Eastern with a 1 hour lunch break).    Our focus for this Summit is Data Science which is a very broad topic and includes AI, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Big Data, Data Mining, Informatics/Bioinformatics and other forms of data analytics and relevant technologies across all disciplines, application areas and industries!    This event is open to all university faculty…
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OSG Virtual School 2021: Learn to harness large-scale computing for research

ANNOUNCING THE OSG VIRTUAL SCHOOL 2021! If you could access hundreds or even thousands of computers for your scholarly work or the work you support, what could you do?  How could it transform research?  What discoveries might be made? We are seeking applicants for the OSG Virtual School 2021, which will take place the weeks of August 2-6 and 9-13.  As the name indicates, the School will be all virtual again this year. https://opensciencegrid.org/virtual-school-2021/ Participants will learn to use high throughput computing (HTC) to harness vast amounts of computing power for research, applicable to nearly any field of study.  In past Schools, we have helped people in physics, chemistry, engineering, life sciences, earth sciences, agricultural and animal sciences, economics, social sciences, medicine, and more. For more background: https://chtc.cs.wisc.edu/ Using lectures, demonstrations,…
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The Role of Data Sharing and Distributed Storage in Research – Visions for the Future

Science in the US is undergoing a significant change. Cyberinfrastructure or eInfrastructures tended to be funded for small projects for a single PI or very large science ventures (CERN LHC, NEON, NASA). What is emerging are medium-scale projects involving several universities and institutions. What architectures and capabilities are or will be needed by such projects and what effect will this have on the overall research computing ecosystem? Tune in on April 29th at 9 AM PDT / 12 PM EDT to hear from prominent, visionary researchers on their perspective.  Short talks will be followed by a moderated discussion.   For in-depth information about this webinar, please visit the Open Storage Network website. Register: https://ucsd.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_3QtjDofnQF6RV1uZzZb5Yg  
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ECE Colloquium Talk: Deep Learning for Biometrics: Current Trends and Future Directions by Prof. Marina L Gavrilova

Deep Learning for Biometrics: Current Trends and Future Directions   Prof. Marina L Gavrilova CPSC Department, University of Calgary, Canada When: Friday, March 19 at 2:00 pm Zoom Link: https://uky.zoom.us/j/83038259676 All Faculty, students, and staff welcome to attend. Abstract:  Human identity recognition is one of the key mechanisms of ensuring proper asset and information access to individuals, which is the base of many government, social services, consumer, financial and recreational activities in the society. Biometrics are also increasingly used in a cybersecurity context to mitigate vulnerabilities and to ensure protection against unauthorized access or estimate risk level. This lecture will discuss how deep learning methods can enhance biometric recognition accuracy in a variety of settings: unimodal and multi-modal systems, social behavioral biometrics, activity recognition and risk assessment. The lecture will further…
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Advancing Research through Computing 2021 – April 6th 2021

Pitt Center for Research Computing is hosting our biannual Advancing Research through Computing symposium online on April 6, 2021 with nationally prominent keynote speakers from UC Berkeley and Argonne National Laboratory, as well as speakers from the University of Pittsburgh, and Carnegie Mellon University discussing Advanced Computing in the fields of Materials Design and Precision Medicine. ARC 2021 will also feature a student poster contest with two $500 prizes for Pitt graduates and undergraduates. Graduate students, undergraduates, post-docs, and faculty from other institutions are welcome to participate in the poster competition. Find the guidelines for the poster competition at ARC 2021 Poster Competition Guidelines | crc.pitt.edu | University of Pittsburgh. Keynote Speakers                  Kristin Persson                 Rick…
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Virtual Residency 2021 Summer Workshop on INTERMEDIATE/ADVANCED Research Computing Facilitation June 7-11

Virtual Residency 2021 Summer Workshop on INTERMEDIATE/ADVANCED Research Computing FacilitationMon June 7 (morning) - Fri June 11 (late afternoon) 2021Remote via videoconferencing Registration: https://ousurvey.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0OIEu4K99hn9LXU Contact: Henry Neeman (hneeman@ou.edu) There's NO PREREQUISITE other than an interest in helping researchers with their computing-intensive/data-intensive research. (Participation in any previous Virtual Residency workshop is NOT REQUIRED.) Please feel free to forward this to anyone who may be interested and appropriate. DETAILS: Does your institution have lots of researchers and educators who want to use advanced computing, but need some help learning how? You or someone at your institution can learn to be more effective at helping researchers and educators use research computing! This is a great way to get better at a career in helping researchers use research computing. It's also a great way…
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Call for Participation PEARC 21 – Evolution Across All Dimensions

Dear Colleagues,   This year's ACM Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing (PEARC) conference will take place virtually from July 18-22, 2021. To help make this conference a success, we invite you to submit technical content proposals in a variety of ways as outlined in the Call for Participation. Submissions may address any topic related to advanced research computing and data, but topics consistent with one or more of the following three technical tracks are of particular interest: Applications and Software Systems and System Software Workforce Development, Training, Diversity, and Education The first submission deadline is for Tutorials and Workshops due February 9th at 11:59 pm PT.   Stay tuned for future announcements relevant to the conference from the ACM PEARC Conference mailing list and the website: pearc.acm.org/pearc21.   Please feel free to…
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