The mission of the University of Kentucky (UK) Center for Computational Sciences (CCS) is to enable and enhance the success of our faculty and staff in their pursuit of computational research and education by providing access to leading computational resources and the necessary support services to utilize them effectively. Research Computing and Data (RCD) technologies encompassing high-performance computing, high-throughput computing, computational workflows, AI computing, and Big Data collection, storage, and processing are increasingly important as a critical means to expand our knowledge about the world in every area of human endeavor.
To bring the CCS research computing ecosystem closer to the research community, to educate researchers about its capabilities and its ever-expanding range of applications, and to promote and nurture its role in advancing arts, humanities, science and engineering at the University of Kentucky and beyond, CCS will offer a new Research Computing and Data Seminar Series.
The CCS RCD series will begin in the Spring 2024 semester and consist of eight meetings spaced throughout the semester. The series will include presentations providing an overview of the CCS and its role and resources, practicums and tutorials to help computational researchers become effective users of recently deployed computing and data resources, as well as talks by researchers from a variety of disciplines discussing their computational research, with a particular emphasis on RCD “know-how” they find critically important in their work. We encourage everyone interested in using RCD to support their research or educational work to attend.
The meetings will be held in the theater located in the Davis Marksbury Building, home to the Computer Science Department. They will start at 3:00 pm with refreshments; the presentations will follow, starting at 3:30 pm.
All presentations to be given by non-CCS staff will be scheduled for 25 minutes, with about 10 minutes for discussion. The presentations are expected to be given in person.
Zoom access information:
The next seminar:
May 7, 2024
3:00 pm – Refreshments
3:30 pm – Presentation
Emilio Romano-Diaz, Argelander-Institute for Astronomy, University of Bonn, Germany
Davis Marksbury Building – James F. Hardymon Theatre
(Zoom link:
Cosmology via big data in Astrophysics
State-of-the-art observational surveys such as the one carried out by the EUCLID mission, BOSS, DES and forthcoming ones like LSST, HETDEX among others, will cover of the order of 10000 square degrees on the sky, with the primary science goal to unravel the nature of the physics responsible for the current accelerated expansion of the universe. The unprecedented and rich data provided by these surveys will make it possible to investigate fundamental physics (e.g. inflation, neutrino properties) and astrophysics (e.g. biasing, galaxy formation). The success of future large-scale galaxy surveys evidently requires a correct interpretation of their data. It is in this regard that we need to maximize the physics extracted from the data. I will briefly address some of the modern techniques devoted to carry on such tasks as well as how they get benefited from well-focused lines of astrophysical research (galaxy formation) in an attempt to have a complete picture of the galaxy distribution in the Universe.
The CCS RCD Seminar Series schedule for Spring 2024:
January 30, 2024
Jim Griffioen, CCS and Computer Science Department, University of Kentucky
February 13, 2024
(1) Ted Kalbfleisch, Department of Veterinary Sciences, University of Kentucky
(2) Christopher Crawford, Department of Physics, University of Kentucky
February 27, 2024
(1) Tyler Burkett, UK ITSRCD, University of Kentucky
(2) Helene Gold & Isaac Wink, UK Libraries, University of Kentucky
March 19, 2024
(1) Chang-Guo Zhan, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Kentucky
(2) Nicolas Teets, Department of Entomology, University of Kentucky
April 02, 2024 *** POSTPONED to April 30, 2024 ***(1) Barry Farmer, CCS, University of Kentucky
(2) Satrio Husodo, ITS RCI, University of Kentucky
(3) Vikram Gazula, CCS, University of Kentucky
April 16, 2024
(1) Chad Risko, Department of Chemistry, University of Kentucky
(2) Hunter Moseley, Department of Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry, University of Kentucky
April 30, 2024
(1) Barry Farmer, CCS, University of Kentucky
(2) Satrio Husodo, ITS RCI, University of Kentucky
(3) Vikram Gazula, CCS, University of Kentucky
May 07, 2024
(1) Emilio Romano-Diaz, Argelander-Institute for Astronomy, University of Bonn, Germany